XWL line
Technical and process fetaures
The operative concept of the line is to supersede the limits due to the lamination of thin and medium thickness plates, allowing the production of long and large plates.
The line is combining the advantages of the TWL and LWL lines, creating a solution to weld longitudinally the plates, while leaving the possibility to enlarge the final widht of the product without limitation.
The line can operate with different gradations and thicknesses of materials (Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel, HSS, Docol , Domex , Hardox…).
The line can be equipped with different welding technology as Pure Laser Welding, Laser Cold Wire Welding, or Hybrid Laser Arc Welding (HLAW) Technology, depending by the characteristics and the thickness to be welded.
The unit can be integrated with a laser cutting unit (bevel solution available) to process the large plate into the final dimension.

Other technologies you might be interested in

CCW | Coil to Coil Welder

LSM | Laser Scribing Machine

Preparation lines

TWL | Transversal Welding Lines

LWL | Longitudinal Welding Lines

XWL | eXtralarge Welding Lines

RVP | Rail Vehicle Production line

Customized & robotized units

OSW | One Side Welding unit

CMC | Cleaning, Marking & Cutting unit

SMW | Stiffeners Mounting & Welding unit