Coil preparation lines

Complete offline independent processing lines are conceived, designed and produced to operate processes for the preparation of coils with specific technologies or for a downstream process.

The coil preparation lines can be designed according to your specific needs. Example of such lines are the one dedicated for the Laser Scribing of finished GOES coils or for the connection of tails to an added value coil.

Preparation lines

An overview of a deepy customized solution

The preparation lines can be designed for the most different process depending by the use of the coil after the preparation. the application of the coil to coil laser welding unit grant a very reliable weld seam and an aesthetic result of the joint. Typical application may be:

  • Off line preparation of GO electrical steel coils with Laser Scribing technology (LSL | Laser Scribing Line)
  • Joining of different coils for the preparation of a large coil (CJL | Coil Joining Line)
  • Welding of head and tail to coils intended to be finished in a reverse mill (C2T | Coil to Tail Line)

The preparation lines are deeply customized on the needs of customer, with significantly economical benefits and very short return of investment.

Coil to Tail

C2T | Coil to Tail preparation line

The Coil to Tail preparation line has been specifically designed and optimized for the preparation of the Coils to be processed in a Reverse Mill, significantly reducing the production costs (scrap costs) and with an important optimization of the process efficiency and performances.


The unit is optimized to the joining of material with different characteristics. The use of a full Laser Welding unit (CCW) integrated in the line, grant the user a very reliable process and a strong and rollable weld.

The line is normally designed to ad a section of low cost material to an added value coil. At the end of the Reverse Mill process, such low cost material is wasted instead of the added value one.


It is an easy calculation to verify the short return of investment of such installation.

See the Line in operation

The Castellini Coil to Tail line

Discover the operation of the Coil to Tail solution applied to a Stainless Steel production plant.

Laser Scribing

LSL | Laser Scribing Line

The transformers industry is using more and more high quality “laserized” Grain Oriented Electrical Steel for its significant benefits on the core loss reduction.


The LSL can be applied to any quality of GOES, preserving the coating and increasing the final performance of the transformer. The line, being totally independent by the cold rolling mill or by the thermo-flattening process, can be used and applied as an offline finishing process at the steel producer side as well as a first step of a slitting plant dedicated to transformer steel.

The unit is normally designed including an entry and exit sections equipped with uncoiler and recolier, and a CCW Coil to coil welding unit to guarantee the continuity of the process.


The processing unit in this case will be the LSM Laser Scribing unit

See the Line in operation

The Castellini Laser Scribing Line

Discover the operation of the Laser Scribing Line applied to the NLMK Grain Oriented Electrical Steel production plant.