Quality Controls and Testing department

Quality is an attitude that guide our team all long the path of your project.

From the controls at the receiving of the raw materials to the final dimension controls, from the drawing review to the final testing and commissioning of each machine, our quality control and commissioning team is committed to respect the highest standards, following stringent internal and external procedures and dedicating care and attention to all phase of every single project.

A continuous commitment

Quality over the expectations

Castellini consider the reaching of the highest quality a corporate target shared with and participated by the entire work team.


The company has lead a continuous process of update tools and procedures to meet and satisfy the increasingly stringent needs of its customers

The quality control team is exploiting, together with its long experience, a set of tools specifically conceived to raise the precision, accuracy and reliability of quality controls on raw materials and on final products.


We are proud of our quality control team working constantly to keep our products over the expectation of the customers.

Quality Controls

An experienced team is dedicated to the quality control of every single piece or component entering in Castellini processing facility, finding at the origin any defect or imperfection. The process is the beginning of a long path intended to reach the highest quality of the final product.

Testing and Commissioning

All our machines are tested to match the final performances according to its technological destination. Pressure equipment as balancing, shifting or bending blocks are tested with our own testing rig, mandrels and other hydraulic movement units are verified geometrically and dynamically and laser equipment are fully commissioned using customer raw material in our assembling area.