The tree is a safe place, solid and rooted in the earth; it guards, protects and from the top of its branches you can see far.
So Teze can be your tree. And your idea is the resource for your future.
Put your ideas on the Teze Mechatronics tree.

Business incubator
Help develop Italian genius: here you can start your business in suitable places and spaces, with the support of technical-financial assessments carried out by specialists and thanks to consolidated relationships with the main players on the industrial and academic scene.

R&D Platform
Teze offers you the opportunity to develop prototyping and engineering activities, to participate in research projects co-financed by regional and European tenders together with technical-scientific partners from the industrial world and the University.

High Tech Lab
Teze wants to share with you the tools, resources and decades of experience of its members and partners.
Power to ideas!
Teze Mechatronics
A good idea without means remains in the drawer.
We at Teze can evaluate it. If this project seed can be developed, we give you the opportunity to make your idea attractive to the market.
To develop it you are not alone, but you find an ally who supports you with every means (technical, scientific, financial) until its concrete realization.