Know how and experience are combined to guarantee Castellini customers the highest possible quality for their complex spare parts, as for example the Spindles.
The right combination of know how, tools and commitment
These units seems simple, but they require a deep knowledge and care to guarantee the production or the refurbishment of such heavy and precise components.

Castellini team take care of all detail starting from the machining phase up to the final assembling.

Spare parts for spindles
Castellini has different experiences in production completely new spindles according to your needs and specifications, but also all kind of spare parts you may need on your existing ones.

“This is an historical product of Castellini. Castellini spindles are installed all over the world.”
Alessandro Parzani
Chief Sales Officer – Machining Business Unit

Other spare parts that can be of your interest
We provide the industry with cutting-edge technological solutions.
Discover all the other Castellini’s spare parts: