OSW | One Side Welding unit

The OSW unit designed and patented by Castellini, challenges the ship building world to overcome limits and to further optimize the design concept of decks and hulls.

Hybrid Laser Arc Welding (HLAW), Autogenous Laser Welding (ALW), Cold Wire Laser Welding (CWLW), Submerged Arc Welding (SAW)… select the welding technology that better fits your needs!

OSW | One Side Welding

Applied innovation to the welding process

The welding of panels is more and more requiring and the technology is evolving very fast. Castellini is offering to the ship builders the answer to the need of innovative solutions and performances.


Discover, with a click, the most technological One Side Welding unit in operation.

The combination of a highly performing Laser Hybrid set up and an innovative concept of plate handling, allows to welds plates in all direction with thickness and material differences.

Technical and process fetaures

The laser application in the ship building process

In the naval applications welding of thick plates (>15 mm) has become of crucial importance. Nowadays, the common techniques involve traditional welding techniques to fill a gap. These techniques are, inevitably, time consuming, material consuming and complicated. In addition, the strong thermal inputs of the traditional welding technologies, causes deformations and defects, that influences the following assembling processes.


To overcome these drawbacks, Castellini proposes an Hybrid Laser-Arc Welding (HLAW) technique in a configuration which allows to achieve a sound weld of two plates, 20 mm thick, of naval steel in a single pass and in butt weld configuration (I-shape, no chamfer).

These new and innovative configuration opens the doors to new performances and new targets to be reached!

Thickness difference

Difference of thicknesses… Different design!

The patented solution, designed by Castellini, allows to welds plates having different thicknesses all long the welding path, creating a tremendous advantage in the flexibility in the deck design.

Thickness difference flexibility grants to the shipyard the possibility to imagine more performing, light and efficient ships.